2. Do the story nodes in your chosen game(s) work well to support gameplay and gameplay objectives? Why or why not?
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic is a side-scrolling 2D platform game in which you play as Sonic the Hedgehog, dashing from the start of the stage to the finish. Diversity in the approach of how one would complete a level exists with both clearing with all rings collected and how quickly the level or 'act' is completed. The game controls well, although coordinating how you control Sonic as well as understanding how your interaction with the environment's obstacles work does take a good ounce of adaptation.
This game's structure is very 'ludus', in which the game is "strictly controlled by pre-existing rules accepted by the participants as a part of basic game construct." This means that with the accelerating running of Sonic while dodging/defeating enemies along the way, the game is set in a manner that you would test yourself to improvise during a run to avoid danger while moving as fast as you can. At the very end of every two to three Acts, however, you meet the boss Robotnik.
The story-telling for Sonic is simple yet effective. Story nodes are dedicated to the boss fights, in which cut-scenes are used to depict Robotnik's new death machine to intimidate the player. These short cut-scenes, in contrast to the fast gameplay of the majority of the level, emphasize the threat that is the Act's boss, and therefore works well to set the atmosphere for the most intense parts of the gameplay.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is a fun, fast-paced game to play that is easy to approach but can be difficult to achieve with flying colours.
- Sonic Team (Developer). (1992). Sonic the Hedgehog 2 [Video Game]. Japan: Ōta, Tokyo
- P. Luban, J, Meziane (Authors). (2001). Turning a Linear Story into a Game: The Missing Link between Fiction and Interactive Entertainment [Article]. Gamasutra
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